Hello friends!
I hope you had a lovely week. We did some big releases at work (read below!) and now I’m looking forward to Thanksgiving this next week! That being said: I am very grateful for every one of you. Thank you for being here!
Coding Fonts
GSAP Believe - Collage Animation
cosha: Colorful shadows for your images
Why I will no longer be using console.log() to check React state updates
This week at Netlify, we launched a free learning platform called Jamstack Explorers! Our team loves teaching and education, and wanted to provide something fun to the web development community.
We’re going to be releasing podcasts and blog posts about how we built the site, as well as eventually open source it too.
If you’d like to check it out, I personally teach a Next.js Mission! Every Mission on the site has videos that are purposely short and succinct so that you can learn quickly and not be overwhelmed with info. Hope you enjoy!
This week’s sponsor is Flatfile!
Think of the last time you imported a spreadsheet. Did it work the first time?
Nearly everyone has dealt with formatting messy CSVs or Excel files prior to importing. It’s a huge pain!
Worse yet, countless engineers are tasked with building a data parser from scratch, importer, mapping, validation, UI, and all! As enticing as it is to build another data importer compared to core product features, Flatfile has finally made a solution.
Flatfile Portal is the elegant import button, offering an intuitive data import experience. Portal integrates with virtually any application and in minutes can intelligently ingest, validate, and transform incoming spreadsheet data so that it’s clean, and ready to use in your backend.
Interested in trying out the elegant import button? Visit get.flatfile.io/cassidoo!
Last week, I had you return “special” pairs given certain conditions. Great job Stephen, Gabor, Leyan, Adam, Ben, Dimitris, Ryan, David, Pozorvlak, Andrew, Tyler, Anton, Roman, John, Vishwa, William, Sameer, Jonathan, and Ten!
This week’s question:
Given a positive integer n, write a function that returns true if it is a perfect square and false otherwise. Don’t use any built-in math functions like sqrt. Hint: Use binary search!
$ perfectSquare(25) $ true $ perfectSquare(10) $ false
Keychron K8 with DSA Astrolokeys
Atkinson Hyperlegible Font
25 Years of GIMP
As internet forums die off, finding community can be harder than ever
The swordfish has no natural predators to fear. That is, except the penfish, which is supposed to be mightier.
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and be thankful for where you are today!
Special thanks to Gabor and Stephen for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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