It's been a while!! I missed you. I really enjoyed having some time off in between jobs, but now we're back to business. In case you missed it: I am starting this week at
CodePen as a Senior Software Engineer!
Web links of the week
I created the exact same app in React and Vue. Here are the differences.
Rethinking JavaScript: The complete elimination and eradication of JavaScript's this.
10 static site generators and popular uses for them in 2018​
Advanced effects with CSS background blend modes​
Something that interested me this week
Phew, the time between jobs was fun, but flew by so fast! I spent a lot of it cleaning up and doing chores that I haven't had time for, visiting co-working spaces (since CodePen is a remote team), getting a library card, and setting up a
Twitch channel/room for my sister Cami and I to make things and show the woooorld. Plus I played Fortnite a lot and went hiking, so there were some relaxing times too. :)
I'm so excited for my new job to start.
I've used CodePen for years, and it was a dream of mine to work there someday. It feels surreal, and I feel very blessed!
Interview question of the week
Last time, I had you write a tic tac toe game!
Andrew submitted
this C# solution!
This week's question:
Given a a 2D matrix that represents a maze (with 1s as walls and 0s as path). Find a path from one corner to another, backtracking should be allowed. Return an array of steps taken in order.
Cool things from around the internet
SA Carbon + SA Chocolatier TKL
Dive Under the Ice With the Brave Robots of Antarctica
Poorly Drawn Lines: Looking at the Internet
The secret behind great copywriting
I went to the library the other day and got a book about revenge. Unfortunately I didn't return it on time, so when I brought it back, the librarian said, "you'll pay for that."
That's all for now, folks! Thanks so much for sticking with me, even when I don't send these every week. I hope you have a good one. Be safe, make good choices, and go read a book.