I hope your week was a good one! Mine was a bit of a roller coaster, but we made it through. Let’s leeeearn!
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Dialogs, modality and popovers seem similar. How are they different?
Findings from the Jamstack Community Survey 2022
Fine-tuning DevOps for People over Perfection
Markdown, Asciidoc, or reStructuredText - a tale of docs-as-code
Between the U.S. elections, work stuff, seeing folks get laid off (and get new jobs!), shipping some things, traveling… wow it was a busy week!
This week’s issue is brought to you by Retool! Retool helps you build internal tools, remarkably fast.
Most internal tools are made of the same building blocks: tables, drop-downs, buttons, text inputs, etc. Don’t waste time building them from scratch! With Retool, you can drag-and-drop to assemble UIs 10x faster—while keeping the flexibility to use code to customize how your app looks and works.
You don’t just save time building apps. Retool connects to any database or API. Retool has built-in access controls, audit logs, environments, debugging etc. You can focus on building what’s custom to your business, and Retool speeds up everything else. Join engineers at Amazon, DoorDash, and Brex, and start building your internal tools faster with Retool.
Also check out:
Also, they’re hiring!
Last week, I had you return anti-divisors! This was a tricky one (I think many of us learned that anti-divisors exist), but y’all did great! Awesome work Tamás, Andy, Will, Michell, Amine, Thomas, Max, Neriya, Jun, Saad, Ten, and Cedric!
This week’s question (thanks to Will for sharing it):
Given a list of strings arr
, and a max size n
, return a new list where the strings (from left to right) are joined together with a space, so that each new string is less than or equal to the max size.
> combineStrings(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"], 5)
> ["a b c", "d e f", "g"]
> combineStrings(["a", "b", "c", "d", "e", "f", "g"], 12)
> ["a b c d e f", "g"]
> combineStrings(["alpha", "beta", "gamma", "delta", "epsilon"], 20)
> ["alpha beta gamma", "delta epsilon"]
Wycliffe Gordon plays Swing that Music
Building an e-ink weather display for our home
LZ erGhost with SP SA Dualshots
Daily meditation may work as well as a popular drug to calm anxiety, study finds
Why do fish live in salt water?
Because pepper water would make them sneeze!
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and cut your nails!
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, IceSloth, Alaska, Josh, Conor, Ezell, Karthic, Ximena, Paige, Zev, Sebastián, Ben, Sema, Kinetic Labs, Vadim, Bailey, and Carmina for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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