I hope your week was a good one! I myself just got back from Berlin and am jet lagged, but happy. Let's go!
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Using the Page Visibility API
Generating ZIP Files With JavaScript
I tried React Compiler today
10 Years of A Single Div
I spoke at The Merge in Berlin this past week! It was a really great time and I blogged about it here. I also spoke on The Last Tech Podcast!
In other news, my company has decided to open source Brainstory and we will be shutting it down (and thus our team is moving on, too, including me). I'm really bummed about this being an ending, but I'm happy about being able to open source it for people to mess with! I think it's still a great product, but it simply didn't make enough money to keep us around. It's bittersweet, but onwards and upwards!
Happy Father's Day, play Jumblie, share this with your friends, also you can subscribe to my blog via email now!
Last week, I had you find a sum of four numbers in an array. Awesome job Muhammad, Sean, Amine, Ricardo, Nikhil, Ten, John, and Vyaas!
This week's question:
Write a function that takes a list of names and returns the names sorted by the number of vowels in each name in descending order. If two names have the same number of vowels, sort them alphabetically.
> sortNames(["Goku", "Vegeta", "Piccolo", "Gohan"])
> ["Piccolo", "Vegeta", "Gohan", "Goku"]
> sortNames(["Edward", "Alphonse", "Roy", "Winry"])
> ["Alphonse", "Edward", "Roy", "Winry"]
(you can submit your answers by replying to this email with a link to your solution, or share on LinkedIn, Twitter, Mastodon, or Bluesky)
Scenius: why creatives are stronger together
Lazydesigners Duo 40% with Osume keycaps
Listen to the Universe
Chaka Khan: Tiny Desk Concert
Why is your nose in the middle of your face?
Because it's the scenter!
That's all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and get outside!
Special thanks to IceSloth, Ezell, SebastiΓ‘n, Ben, Kinetic Labs, and Faisal for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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