Hello friends!
I have officially moved to Chicago! It was a LONG week of driving across the country and getting (mostly) set up here, and I'm excited to be at home here.
Anyway, web time!
Building a Modern-Day Hit Counter
Simplify Your Stack With A Custom-Made Static Site Generator
Introducing visx from Airbnb
The failed promise of Web Components
This entire week was all just road tripping and moving, and it's hard to believe that it's only been a week since my last writing to you all! Seeing the country transform as we drove was really cool to see.
This next week I'll be speaking at Jamstack Conf a few times! I have a fun short talk about pranking people (very professional, of course), and another about what's new with Next.js. I hope to see you there!
This week's sponsor is Studio 3T!
MongoDB is easy - Now make it powerful!
Studio 3T is the IDE for MongoDB that saves you up to 10 hours of time a week. How?
With 8 major releases alone this year, we take customer feedback seriously - and offer fast, dedicated technical support. With 30 days FREE (no credit card needed!) to trial Studio 3T for MongoDB, what’s stopping you?
Last week, I had you calculate the number of pizzas to buy based on what people want. We had a ton of awesome responses, good job Gabor, Lihbr, Sirwan, Christopher, Benjamin, Sibi, Sreetam, Leslie, Pozorvlak, Max, Anthony, Elon, David, Rizwan, Alexandra, Andrew, Benjamin, Jeff, William, Amy, Jeremy, Rafael, CodeWithML, Stephen, John, Shanice, Mike, Mirza, Dan, Eleanor, Namrata, Gul, and Ten!
This week's question:
Given an array that was once sorted in ascending order is rotated at some pivot unknown to you beforehand (so [0,2,4,7,9] might become [7,9,0,2,4], for example). Find the minimum value in that array in O(n) or less.
How to make a LEGO Super Mario Bros. Dock for your Nintendo Switch
Solo Coder Podcast Ep #60: Cassidy Williams - React, Funny Videos & Public Speaking
Satisfaction 75 with GMK Minimal
Battery Day
I'm not saying my ceiling is the best in the world... but it's up there!
That's all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and get a good walk in this week!
Special thanks to Gabor and Stephen for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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