Wazzaaaap friends!
I hope your week was a good one! Mine flew by. The news is tough to stomach these days, and I hope this can be a small break from that. Let’s go!
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Data Visualization with D3 - Full Course for Beginners
What is Jamstack?
Building a Musical Instrument with the Web Audio API
React key attribute: best practices for performant lists
This week I had a fun time spewing memes and learning some new things. It was fairly busy with work, house projects, and emails otherwise, and I’m hoping this next week I can finish some reading and keyboard projects!
Meticulous is a tool for easily creating smoke tests to catch frontend regressions, without writing mocks. You can record workflows or sessions using our CLI, and replay those sessions against new frontend code, taking a visual snapshot at the end of a flow. You can then create tests by using our CLI tool to diff these replays.
Meticulous captures network traffic at record-time and mocks out network calls at replay-time, which removes the need to implement any mocks or for a backend environment to replay against. It also means itβs best suited to catching frontend regressions.
You can inject our JS snippet onto staging, local, dev and QA environments if you want to capture a larger pool of sessions and catch a broader range of edge cases.
You can read more at our docs at docs.meticulous.ai.
Last week, I had you figure out who owed what after a vacation. This was a sneakily tricky one, nice work Thierry, Aleksandr, Will, Les, Amine, Matteo, Giovanni, Leyan, Steven, Nicole, Philip, Ten, Divyansh, Conor, and Giancarlo!
This week’s question:
Given two integer arrays of size n
, return a new array of size n
such that n
consists of only unique elements and the sum of all its elements is maximum.
let arr1 = [7, 4, 10, 0, 1]
let arr2 = [9, 7, 2, 3, 6]
$ maximizedArray(arr1, arr2)
$ [9, 7, 6, 4, 10]
Mason60 with GMK Bento
What if hearing aids were as easy to get as reading glasses?
20 Best Years In Video Game History, Ranked
Why free stuff makes us irrational
What did the zombie bring to the picnic?
Couch potato salad!
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and clean your counters!
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, IceSloth, Alaska, Josh, Conor, Ezell, Pedro, Karthic, Ximena, Paige, Zev, SebastiΓ‘n, Ben, and Sema for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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