I’m currently mid-road trip across the US as my husband and I are moving to Chicago! It’s been a long drive but seeing all of the sights across the country so far has been really beautiful.
Anyway, internet!
Guidelines to improve your React folder structure
Introducing the New JSX Transform
Create a Bookmark Manager App using FaunaDB and Netlify Serverless functions
A Cloudinary-Enhanced Student-ID App
Outside of getting all set up for moving, I also finalized my Kickstarter project, Go: On the Go! this week!! If you’ll recall, I started this project this past January (gosh that feels like a lifetime ago), and I’m so excited to have everything shipped out and settled. There were a bunch of delays with that project because of coronavirus cancelling nearly everything I originally planned for. It’s been really wonderful seeing people getting their sets, and I can’t wait to see more people play!
This week’s sponsor is Studio 3T!
MongoDB is easy - Now make it powerful!
Studio 3T is the IDE for MongoDB that saves you up to 10 hours of time a week. How?
With 8 major releases alone this year, we take customer feedback seriously - and offer fast, dedicated technical support. With 30 days FREE (no credit card needed!) to trial Studio 3T for MongoDB, what’s stopping you?
Last week, I had you figure out asteroid collisions. Great job Jay, Rizwan, Ali, Gabor, Rafael, Jagadish, Pozorvlak, Anthony, Mustafa, Tim, Max, Soma, William, Mike, and Ten!
This week’s question:
Given an array of people objects (where each person has a name and a number of pizza slices they’re hungry for) and a number for the number of slices that the pizza can be sliced into, return the number of pizzas you need to buy.
$ arr = [{ name: Joe, num: 9 }, { name: Cami, num: 3 }, { name: Cassidy, num: 4 }] $ gimmePizza(arr, 8) $ 2 // 16 slices needed, pizzas can be sliced into 8 pieces, so 2 pizzas should be ordered
Won’t Subscrube
GamaKay K87 with PBT Peaches
Leaving Breath of the Wild’s Great Plateau Is the Ultimate Call to Adventure
Don’t challenge death to a pillow fight… unless you’re prepared for the Reaper cushions!
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and wear your seat belts!
Special thanks to Gabor and Stephen for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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