We're baaaaack!
Hey friends! It's been a while! I've been traveling all over (I've been on 9 plane rides in the past 3 weeks, phew) and I'm so glad to be back home. Let's catch up!
Web links of the week
The State of JavaScript 2018
CSS File Icons
A Quest to Guarantee Responsiveness: Scheduling On and Off the Main Thread
Something that interested me this week
Wow, it feels so long since I wrote one of these! I am finally back from traveling all over for holidays and vacation. Since getting back, I have almost caught up on Fortnite and The Good Place, so as you can probably tell, I've been productive.
A big part of the vacation I took with my husband was food. My goodness, we ate such delicious food. In Athens we had some of the best cheese I've ever had, in Venice we had some of the best pasta I've ever had, and in Barcelona we had some of the best meat I've ever had. The thing that struck me about these meals is that they weren't at very fancy restaurants, they were just at random places in the cities. I admit, I can't think of a "typical" food in the United States where you could pop in to any random spot in that city and have your mind blown like we did on the trip. I wonder if it's a "grass is always greener" situation, or if we just need to get better at food over here. Welp, anyway, I guess we'll just have to keep eating to find out!
Interview question of the week
Last time, I asked you to determine if a number's digits were balanced. Kyle sent in
a great answer!
This week's question:
Let's do a CSS question this time! Design a set of classes in which class .center-v vertically centers a child element, .center-h horizontally aligns a child element, and classes .top, .bottom, .left, and .right fix the child element to those respective sides of the parent. You decide how you'd like to prioritize and combine the classes! Â
(Heads up, submissions in a
CodePen link will be easiest to see for me, but you can submit it however you'd like!)
Cool things from around the internet
Handmade wooden keyboard
The Portmantout
New Quantum Paradox Clarifies Where Our Views of Reality Go Wrong
It's weird, when I eat wheat, it gives me a huge headache. But, if I get the wheat from someone else, I'm fine. It's just migraine.
Glad to be back folks, thanks so much for sticking around. Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and eat something tasty!