Hello friends,
Gosh, it seems like every week is competing for the most chaotic news of the year. I hope you’re not too bogged down by it and finding joy where you can. Let’s surf.
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Internet Explorer Still Does Not Go Away Today
Using Playwright Test to run Unit Tests
How To Create A Vanilla JavaScript Gantt Chart
Interview the interviewer
If you’re in the US or read anything about the news in the US, you know how there were some… devastating changes to our nation’s laws that happened this week. I am simply not the best or most qualified to speak on the subject, and chances are, you’ve already heard what I would have said anyway. So, I’ll leave you with these helpful resources. The only way change can happen is if we don’t give up and take action when we can!
Anyway. This week I MCed Front-End Test Fest, which was a really wonderful event full of great talks. The talk recordings will be shared this week here!
I also started a fun little open source project that I call Better Security Questions. A lot of security questions are pretty boring and stereotypical (like, “what’s your mother’s maiden name?” and “on what street did you grow up?”) which are fine, but… predictable and unsafe at this point, so I thought it’d be fun to make a package of better ones. Feel free to make a PR!
Ahhh, the hyperlink. It’s the single coolest thing on the web. I mean there wouldn’t really be a web without them. Links are awesome.
Hi, I’m Blake. I love links. I also love lists. So I made a thing with links. Lists of them. For your browser’s new tab page. Here are some neat things it does for you:
A Fine Start is a free browser extension for Chrome, Firefox, and Edge, with a web version available for other browsers.
Last week, I had you return the previous Fibonacci number. Great job Sophie, Dan, Claude, Elizabeth, Andros, Divyansh, Ben, Will, Les, Genaro, Charles, Ten, Neeraj, Joel, Leyan, Andrew, Stephen, Amine, Michael, Diego, Rafael, Andrew, Julian, Andrew, Hristiyan, Don, and Nicole!
This week’s question:
Given a string str
and a set of words dict
, find the longest word in dict
that is a subsequence of str
let str = "abppplee"
let dict = {"able", "ale", "apple", "bale", "kangaroo"}
$ longestWord(str, dict)
$ 'apple'
// "able" and "ale" also work, but are shorter than "apple"
// "bale" has all the right letters, but not in the right order
Pop-ups are dead, long live pop-ups
The psychology of unfinished tasks
Satisfaction 75 with GMK Boneyard
“When It Rains, It Pours”: The History Of The Morton Salt Girl
Just woke up from a dream about Roman numerals 5, 4, 1, and 500.
It was VIVID.
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and don’t lose hope!
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, IceSloth, Alaska, Josh, Conor, Ezell, Pedro, Karthic, Ximena, Paige, Zev, Sebastián, Ben, and Sema for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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