Heyo friendos!
It’s good to be back in your inbox! As we approach the holidays in the next few weeks, I hope you can spend time with folks you care about, eat good food, and take a break.
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Create React App v5.0 released
State of CSS 2021
Deep-copying in JavaScript using structuredClone
Remove Trackers
I’ve been reflecting a lot this week on what I’ve been dedicating my time to, and the relationships I’ve made on this grand ol’ internet of ours. Some of you out there reading, I just want to say that I’m very grateful for you replying, answering the interview question, being there on Discord and other socials, and just being around in general as the pandemic starts swinging into a different phase (again).
This week, I joined in on a charity stream with a bunch of cool tech folks to raise money for TeamSeas! We raised over $10,000! If you are interested in contributing after the fact, they are a really wonderful organization. For my portion, I implemented a small version of React’s useState
from scratch if you would like to check it out as well.
I hope you all are safe, happy, and healthy this season!
This week’s sponsor is Sourcegraph!
Understand, fix, and automate your code with code search from Sourcegraph. Rich query language provides powerful filters that make it easy to narrow your search to just the code you care about. Built by devs to help find the most relevant results and in flow, you can quickly switch repositories and branches, tags, or commits; search symbols, and navigate file trees, all in one powerful platform.
This week, we’re publishing queries, scripts, and instructions for using code search to:
This week, we’re also giving out temporary license keys to use Batch Changes for Log4j-related fixes on your organization’s private code. Email log4j-incident-response-help@sourcegraph.com and we’ll reply quickly with a temporary key.
Last week, I had you print out a tree based on the contents of a file. Awesome work Ten, Dan, Ali, Lewis, David, Liam, Don, Leyan, Nathan, Brandon, Evan, Adam, Andrew, Thillai, Les, and Brandon!
This week’s question is sponsored by Sourcegraph!
Design a data structure and functions for a white elephant game. You’ll want to have a set of players and gifts they bring, and the gifts they end up with in the end!
What we wear at -71°C (-95°F) in Yakutia, Siberia
How Brains Seamlessly Switch between Languages
Olympism: magic, myths and mega-events
EVA-01 Edition J-02 WKL with GMK Mecha-01
What kind of tree fits in your hand?
A palm tree!
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and have a wonderful holiday season!
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, IceSloth, Emad, Alaska, Josh, Conor, Ezell, Pedro, Karthic, Ximena, Paige, Zev, and Sebastián for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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