Hi everyone,
Gosh, this week has been difficult. I hope you’ve stayed safe and in a good place! Let’s get the next one started.
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How To Avoid Bias In Computer Vision Models
Atropos: Touch-friendly parallax hover effects
What makes writing more readable?
Testing Pipeline 101 For Frontend Testing
This week, between the pandemic and the news in Texas and the news in Ukraine, I admit I was just… feeling pretty helpless. I didn’t know what to do besides watch the world fall apart as people in power do things that we can’t really change. It’s frustrating, but I found this list you can use and share to help folks in Ukraine, and this list you can use and share to help support trans kids in Texas. Individually, we can’t do much. But together, we can hopefully try to make life better for everyone.
Creating a developer blog is crucial in creating an online presence for yourself. It’s proof of work for your future employer. Hashnode makes it easy to start a blog in seconds on your custom domain for free. It’s fully optimized for developers and supports writing in Markdown, rich embeds, publishing from GitHub repository, syntax highlighting, and edge caching with Next.js blogs deployed on Vercel. On top of these, Hashnode is free from paywall, ads, and sign-up prompts.
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Check out Hashnode, and join the community.
Last week, I had you return the longest sub-sequence in an array. Great job Ali, Will, Les, Karey, Alex, William, Leyan, Ben, Vanessa, Will, Zoe, Claude, Rafael, Danny, Giovanni, Dan, Ivana, Ten, and Eric!
This week’s question:
Given a 2D array of 0s and 1s, return the size of the largest rectangle of 1s in the array.
let islands = [
$ largestRect(islands)
$ '2x2'
Bones, Bones: How to Articulate a Whale
Custom upholstered keyboard with MT3 Extended
First-ever recording of dying human brain reveals dreaming-like activity
Cécile McLorin Salvant - Until
How do French skeletons say hello?
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and be discerning and kind.
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, IceSloth, Emad, Alaska, Josh, Conor, Ezell, Pedro, Karthic, Ximena, Paige, Zev, Sebastián, and Ben for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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