Hey friends!
I hope you had a good week! Mine was very busy with family events, and it was great seeing everyone. Let's leeearn!
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Modern CSS For Dynamic Component-Based Architecture
The best light/dark mode theme toggle in JavaScript
Deploying AVIF for more responsive websites
Using Goodreads Data in Eleventy
It feels like there's some shiftiness in web communities over the past few months, between Reddit communities going dark, Twitter feeling unsteady, and folks in general just trying to find good places to gab on the internet. And when Google Domains was sold off to Squarespace, it made me think even more about how we rely on a lot of closed systems in general. Annnnd then I blogged about it!
Hey all!
sudocode.ai here, we are a YC-backed startup building AI tools that create full-stack Python applications in minutes without templates.
Our current version can generate applications from 0-to-1 with your prompting, and doesn't build off existing codebases (for now).
Email us at info@sudocode.ai if you’d like to check us out.
Last week, I had you calculate the depth of JSON data! Amazing work Rob, Clifford, Jonnie, Leyan, Lenz, Sreetam, Amine, Vishwa, Craig, Ángel, Ten, and Manuel!
This week's question:
Write a function that takes an array of consecutive, increasing letters as input, and returns any missing letters in the array between the first and last letter.
> missingLetters(['a','b','c','d','f'])
> ['e']
> missingLetters(['a','b','c','d','e','h','i','j','k','l','m','n','o','p','q','r','s','t','u','w','x','y','z'])
> ['f','g','v']
Fresh Strawberry Sweets
Maps Distort How We See the World
Disorder30 keyboard
How rap sounds to non-English speakers
Why do trees seem suspicious on sunny days?
I dunno, they're just a bit shady.
That's all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and sing your favorite song!
Special thanks to Gabor, IceSloth, Josh, Conor, Ezell, Ximena, Sebastián, Ben, Sema, Kinetic Labs, Vadim, Bailey, and Carmina for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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