Hello friends!
I hope your week was great. Mine was awesome because my sister got engaged this weekend! Let's boogie!
Cheetah Grid
Building a full-text search engine in 150 lines of Python code
Make Your Jest Tests up to 20% Faster by Changing a Single Setting
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This was a super busy week for me! I was on Learn with Jason making some Next.js + Prismic goodies, I did a live AMA on Pluralsight's channels, I gave an Intro to Next.js webinar, I ran some internal events at work, I recorded a few podcasts and videos... overall I spoke at 12 whole events! Did NOT plan on doing that many, but sometimes everything just falls into place on a given calendar. As you can imagine, I have slept HARD this weekend.
This week's sponsor is Treehouse!
Treehouse is a learning platform for people of all skill levels and backgrounds, with a mission to diversify the tech industry through affordable, accessible education (I spoke at the Treehouse Festival in December).
Choose from thousands of hours of Courses, Workshops, Code Challenges, and more—starting at just $25/month. Their Tracks are a great way to learn a new language or framework with a guided curriculum. Plus, join a community of thousands of learners in their Community, where you can get help with bugs, feedback on your projects, and opportunities to grow your network.
Start your learning with a seven day free trial today: teamtreehouse.com
Last week, I had you generate a "super ugly number" (a positive number with prime factors in a given array). Awesome job Luciano, Elliot, clov, José, Leyan, Leslie, David, and Ten!
This week's question:
Given an array of 0s and 1s that represent a garden, where 0 is a plot that hasn't been planted on, and 1 is a plot that has been planted on, return true if n plants can be planted without touching another plant.
garden = [1,0,0,0,1]
$ canPlant(garden, 1)
$ true // plant at position 2
$ canPlant(garden, 4)
$ false // there are only 3 plots, and two of them can't be planted on
People Map of the US
‘Perfect’ Super Mario Bros. speedrun beat after two years
Eagle Has Landed wrist rest
What did the IKEA dresser say to the aliens after landing on their planet?
I come in pieces!
That's all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and stay hydrated!
Special thanks to Gabor, Stephen, IceSloth, Luna, Emad, Alaska, and Josh for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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