I hope you had a great week, and for the Americans out there, I hope you’re enjoying the long Memorial Day weekend. Let’s boogie.
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Building the Twitter Backend with Node.js: A Step-by-Step Guide
React reconciliation: how it works and why should we care
Visual-Design Principles and UX Design Best Practices
3 ways to find your worst JavaScript offenders for page load
This is going to sound dumb, but: dang y’all, our eyes are mind-blowing. I got LASIK last year, and now that I’m learning about how my baby’s eyes are developing… it’s amazing how vision develops over time and can change. This article gives a little snippet of what I mean. I also learned about how, in general, people are becoming more and more near-sighted. I’ll spare you the details about how LASIK works and how it fits in with all of this (look it up yourself if you’re curious), but… dang. Eyes.
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Last week, I had you score Scrabble words! Good playing with ya Kyle, Miguel, Charles, Michael, Mazen, Alfonso, Max, Amine, Ángel, Austin, Mamush, Muhammad, Sreetam, and Ten!
This week’s question:
Given an array of words, return the words that can be typed using letters of only one row on a keyboard. For bonus points, include the option for a user to pick the type of keyboard they are using (ANSI, ISO, etc), and/or give options for how many/which rows are allowed!
> oneRow(['candy', 'fart', 'pop', 'Zelda', 'flag', 'typewriter'])
> ['pop', 'flag', 'typewriter']
Return of the child-friendly city
Lily58 Pro split keyboard
Bread Board Wristwatch
Movies directed by Andrey Tarkovsky
Why don’t pirates take a shower before they walk the plank?
They just wash up on shore!
That’s all for now, folks! Have a great week. Be safe, make good choices, and fix your posture!
Special thanks to Gabor, IceSloth, Josh, Conor, Ezell, Ximena, Sebastián, Ben, Sema, Kinetic Labs, Vadim, Bailey, and Carmina for supporting my Patreon and this newsletter!
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