Intentional Technology: New posts from the Careful Digital webite
Another week comes to an end and another edition of the Intentional Technology newsletter appears.
We published the following posts this week on our website:
Using Operating Systems Intentionally
Installing Fedora Linux on my old Dell laptop has made me think about how I try to use operating systems intentionally.
A Quick Review of Everything I Know about Life I Learned from Powerpoint by Russell Davies
The best thing about this book was that it over-turned some of my assumptions. Here's three of those assumptions getting over-turned.
A quick personal review of the Arc browser
Lots of smart people seem to be enjoying using Arc as a browser, so I thought I'd have a quick play.
Plus our #Week Notes, which this week has mostly been about me realising how many gaps there are in many own patterns of thinking, and in thinking about technology and environmental impact.
Hope you're enjoying the newsletter, do let us know what you think of it!