Links: Week Sixteen
This week marked my first sourdough loaves, which were delicious and a bit flat. It turns out having a scale is crucial, and hopefully next week I will get to address that lack. I also got a few of my hobby shipments in, which meant building a tiny Porsche and beginning a small robot.
Being stuck indoors all day alone is a great excuse for rediscovering things I enjoyed when I was a weird shut-in kid. I feel super lucky most of my hobbies involve being alone indoors, save for driving, which I also enjoyed this weekend in an undisclosed touge road.
How’s your week? I hope you too have been finding hobbies to tide you over, and tv shows to binge. I’m back on my Terrace House habit again, mostly so I can co-watch with friends (hi Mehan and Soleil). It’s sad knowing the filming is paused due to the pandemic, but hopefully one day we’ll get new episodes.
In the meantime, all I can give you is a few links a week:
- First, if you want to follow in my LEGO footsteps, you might enjoy these little cars. They’re pretty quick to put together and showed me how far sets have come since I was a kid.
- What makes the letter ‘X’ so horny? That’s right, we went from LEGO to the horniest bit of the alphabet. The history is rather religious, and somewhat surprising. Let’s not forget about triple-x syndrome or the most important XXX of all time:
- If you’re my age, you likely remember when we were banned from citing the internet in papers, especially the dreaded online encyclopedia Wikipedia. Fortunately, it kept getting better, and is now a fantastic place to learn a bit and find primary and secondary sources for all sorts of wild stuff. I’ve had friends engaged in edit wars over famous trans video game characters, and many other topics. If you’ve never had the chance to go down a Wikihole, I recommend you just start clicking inside of articles, and don’t stop till you get hungry. It’s a fun maze to lose yourself in.
- This week I learned about two important memes: Russian Butt Slapping, and Soil Slapping. It turns out you can slap a lot of things, but butts and soil are probably the best. I hope one day we can all slap someone’s butt competitively again.
- Remember Sidetalkin’? Panic sure does. The nineties were so weird.
- Finally, here’s a short story about cooking during a pandemic. It was written way before this whole think kicked off, and was eerily prescient.
How’re you feeling? Made anything cool? Drop me a line and let me know! This weekend I’ll make more tortillas, watch more Terrace House, and finish building my small robot.
Stay safe, get some sun, and see you next week space cowgirls~