Dill & Fennel 8/23/20
Ah, breathe deep the fires of California. Just in case you needed another reason to stay inside and wear a mask, dry thunderstorms have delivered. I don’t know how you feel about this but it’s pretty depressing and scary to me.
Sorry to kick off with a bummer! I hope you’re ok with occasionally being sad together before we dig into the joyful weirdness of links. Thanks friends.
- Now that it’s reached the end of an 8 year run, I can safely send you to the delightful series Oh Human Star. Perhaps someone can share with me a good way of keeping track of your progress through a web comic, but I’ve been reading this via a manual updated bookmark for a while. It’s cool, it’s queer, and Blue is a really nice human.
- As a stock market player/money-haver who previously worries about having food to eat and electricity as a kid, it’s very apparent to me how huge a gap there is between the rich and the poor. Here’s more about that horrific reality. What if we all committed to addressing this wealth and economy gap in our lifetimes?
- WOW, I hope you like uncontrollable bathroom problems! Remember Olestra? Remember that whole nightmare? I certainly do. For some reason (diet culture) my family was really into Wow chips, even once it was somewhat obvious that they were going though us like konjac. Man, the 90s were weird.
- Speaking of things I can’t digest, albeit in this case delicious ones, why not try some ancient Japanese cheese?. I love these culinary trips into history, especially when they actually look delicious. Beer recipes from thousands of years ago? Count me in! And yet, they still won’t let us drink the mummy juice.
- If, like me, you’ve taken to reading during the quarantine you may have encountered this roadblock. Spoiler: it’s your phone. IMO turn off all your notifications always, because if someone needs you they’ll call you. My friend Helen gave me this book a year or two ago, and it was pretty helpful in finding new ways to be a little more at peace with my devices.
In closing
What’s one thing you want to do this week that makes you happy? For me, it’s making rice pudding. I love rice pudding and I’ve never cooked it, so I’m pretty amped. Oh, and I’m baking more bread, obviously. I also treated myself to a game from my wish list: Farcry 5. I’ve heard it’s deeply strange and I can’t wait to dive in.
I hope whatever you do that brings you joy can capture your attention and heart for even a few minutes. As always, stay safe and keep fighting, space cowgirls~.