D&F 7-31-22
D&F 7-31-22
Happy wedding to Brian and Kenna! This weekend was my first wedding in a few years, and it took me to the crisp mountain air of Graegle. Drinks were had, a cabin was enjoyed, and I even did a bit of cycling.
The elevation really got to me though, at least for my sleep—my resting heart rate was 20bpm higher than usual and mosquitoes ate me alive. It feels good to be back home at sea level. Now it's time for a lot of laundry and the sort of re-situation that I always need when I get back from even a short trip.
Something I've wondered about since finding that I was lactose intolerant as a kid is, "when did humans develop the ability to digest animal milks?" The answer is a lot more recent than you'd think. The Middle Ages were likely a stinky, stinky time what with the lack of bathing and the constant milk issues. I think if anyone decided to edit in a lot of gastrointestinal distress into the Green Knight or another serious medieval story, that would help with the historical accuracy.
I don't remember where I first read the idea that the future of automobiles was small electric golf carts, but the future is here. As a cyclist I would greatly prefer streets with these little buggers puttering around instead of the 4 ton murder trucks I see all the time. I was thinking while driving back from the Sierras how I want to see a reality show where the average giant truck owner gets filmed for a week and then someone tries to transport everything they do with just a small hatchback. I bet it would be easy since for every 2x4 some guy buys at Home Depot there are dozens of trips with nothing in their 10mpg shitbox than them.
If you've paid attention recently to Instagram some of its most fervent and renowned users are unhappy lately. What began as a simple tool for sharing photos with friends using various over-the-top filters is now a QVC-cum-low-quality-FB-video graveyard.
Personally, much like Twitter I hope it dies off sooner than later, replaced by human-scale non-ad-funded tech. The number of restaurants and events that seemingly only post to Instagram is frustrating to say the least, but if users start bailing on Instagram en-masse maybe they'll just make a simple Squarespace/WebFlow/Universe site instead. I'm still using Glass for my photos, and I think I can recommend it as it is a low-price service made by people with admirable goals. It also helps that the interface is calm and considered. I love a site or app that you can use, put down, and then pick up again in a few weeks and not feel the compulsion to check constantly.
- A little on the nose, but a good metaphor for our energy policies:
- Mmmm finance humor:
Today's edition of D&F is late as I "partied" at the wedding from 5pm till 2, and then tried in vain to sleep before the 10am pool party. I've been to a lot of weddings in the past and a few of them were fun, but this was truly epic with redwoods everywhere around us, pretty bottomless drinks, and an unbelievable amount of energy from the bridal party.
As for me, I rediscovered how much I enjoy reading quietly. With how I feel right now, will be recharging my people battery for the month of August as even a delightfully executed party is a psychic critical hit.
I hope wherever you weekended it was under 90º, and you were able to sit in the shade and enjoy a tasty beverage. I'm going to catch up on F1 racing and get a head start on sleep for the week. Until next week, stay cool, and don't stay in school, space cowgirls~