D&F 5-16-21
D&F 5/16/21
A short and late one today fresh from the text editor. Reader, I am tired today.
Yesterday I took my bike into the city to ride with friend of the site Drew on pandemic-closed streets, and had a lovely time. I got home at midnight and fell asleep on the couch an hour later but struggled to sleep again once in bed. It’s just like that sometimes.
Did you get rest this weekend? I hope so.
This week I learned about the man living as Peter Pan, and his wild site. A younger, meaner me would’ve found this hilarious, but now I’m glad he found what made him happy, and a partner who delighted in the same things. May we all love and live as freely as this couple.
Watch out! Thicc moth coming through! There’s something almost cuddly about this big big moth, but I get the sense they would be more spindly and chittery than fluffy. Still though, look at the size of them!
If you’re feeling weird about your own body after a year of hibernation, you’re not alone. Whether you’re a giant moth, or a lithe fey demigod, we all get down sometimes. My strategy is to think about how cool it is that my body can move and flex; the function of my muscles and tendons is fascinating enough to overcome the cosmic horror of being a person.
It helps to dip our bone machines into warm water, something Japan excels at. Just look at these sentos!
Classic: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hYccIPB-ubo
Do you ever think, “hey, that URL is too dang short!” Worry no longer.
This is worth a click, I promise: https://youtu.be/kjO0gmDApmc?list=RDCMUC3tdeGrp7CmSy__Mc_ttvYw
Sunday included an hour of laying in bed with Snorri on top of my stomach, and all signs point to this being my larger strategy for the last day of my long weekend. Tomorrow promises to be busy, with a lot of editing on my plate. Pray for mojo.
Whether you need a long lie down, or plan to attack your day with the gusto of a lost boy, I hope you enjoy the hell out of your choice. Until next week, and a more rested and timely edition, stay safe, space cowgirls~