D&F 11/5/23
D&F 11/05/23
It's been a while! I got very busy with life and bicycling in October and managed to write almost nothing but work documents. On the upside, I have a lot of stored-up links to share, and the time to do at least a few of these before the new year. I will likely take another break as holiday travel takes priority, but trust that I'll return in 2024.
Writing this intro is a little slower this time around due to a potentially ill-advised move to Colemak-DH. This is ideally easier on my hands, but like all changes is awkward at first. This change coincides acquiring another new keyboard, the ZSA Voyager. As silly as it sounds, since my keyboard is my primary work tool, it's kind of fun to try optimizing and switching things up regularly.
Well, enough preamble, let's get into the...
- I go to Japan at least once a year, and I always try to take note of all the display foods in older restaurants, puzzling over their artistry, but I'd never watched how they're made. It's so cool:
- Brian Jordan Alvarez is a treat:
- If you spend as much time on video calls as I do as a manager this article on self-perception and "zoom dysmorphia" may give you more to chew on, and perhaps a desire to switch to phone calls or just plain chat.
- For my next trip to Japan, I'm taking my bike and traveling from Tokyo to Osaka via the Japanese Alps. Key to my plan is the ability to send the bag I pack my bike in to my destination, so I can pack it up and send it back to Tokyo, preventing a very clumsy Shinkansen voyage. Luckily Japan has ta-Q-bin. I've seen these little vans all over in the past, but as I only bring a small backpack, I hadn't considered using it until this trip. I'm excited to try it out.
- Finally, I leave you with an unfortunate linguistic trend that seems predicated on trying to sound fancy. Whomst've us could've predicted this?!
Time for this newsletter writer to eat some vegan chili, watch F1 Qualifying, go on a bike ride, and head into the city for an evening wedding. Fortunately, tomorrow is planless, because I really need a rest after a wildly busy social week. A happy November, month of my birth to all, and I hope as you read this on Sunday, I'm sipping coffee with my feet up, glued to the Brazilian F1 race. I've missed writing these newsletters, and I hope you're as glad as me that they're back. Until next week, don't let your babies grow up to be cowboys, space cowgirls~