D&F 10-31-21
D&F 10/31/21
It looks like it might be a sunny Halloween, even though as I write this it's quite grey out. I hope I can do a bit of bike riding this weekend before meeting up at a friend's house to watch a spooky film and give out candy to the neighborhood ghouls. Are you taking a little one trick'or'treating? Are you gonna party the night away? The only downside I can see to Halloween being over next week is everyone is going to start slinging Christmas tat and playing dreaded holiday music, so be ready when you visit a pharmacy.
For now though, I wish you a happy Halloween, and present these links to the midnight society:
Very Seinfeld voice "what's the deal with inflation?!" (Fun fact, the giraffe pictured is the same kind that was hotly contested at work, regularly being stolen by different teams for unknown reasons.) It should probably be expensive to damage the planet to ship things around the world, but what I really hope is at some point we sort out how to buy more locally and ship via electric or wind-powered transports. I wonder sometimes what people in a few generations will think about all this excess when they're living on a vanishing landmass, drinking rationed recycled water. But hey, that's their problem, right? Right?
If, like me, you've seen the new Dune move, this is a must-read newsletter on just exactly what the fuck happened.
Basically any quibbles or hesitations are erased by images like the above, of the Bene Gesserit departing that spaceship, and about which I can only say: That’s fucking sick as hell. This shit rules.
Yea, yea it really does.
I have to preface this next piece with a strong disavowal of christianity. I don't like it, I don't believe in it, and it has caused me a great deal of harm. That said, this article was a real picture of what that religion could be, ant in my opinion if all christians hewed more closely to the messaging of their christ, the world would be a much better place.
Craig Mod shared this recently in my feed, and it's a neat and simple weather app.
I found this time wizard's explanation of time signatures strangely captivating.

- A few weeks ago I mentioned Lachlan Morton's impressive solo Tour de France ride that included every transfer. Well, here's a cool video on how it went down:

- Just some cool Lego.
Lately I'm sleeping terribly, and I'm not quite sure why. If you're great at sleeping and feeling rested, what's the trick? Should I stop drinking before bed? Go to bed earlier? I wish so badly this sort of thing was easier to troubleshoot. One thing I did learn is that I supposedly grind my teeth at night (yikes), and need a night guard. Getting older is a scam!
My latest plan is to try to be asleep by 1am every night, which is at least an hour earlier than usual. I'll report back on the results—if it were easy to switch to morning rides I'd like to to that too since it gets dark so early now.
However you're sleeping, I wish you much rest and interesting dreams. Until next week, stay spooky, and keep your third eye open, space cowgirls~