Brett Chalupa's Newsletter
a radical approach to making games
April 6, 2023
I've been chewing on an idea for a few months. It's a bit of a scary idea. Somewhat experimental. Slightly radical. What if everything I make gets released...
prototyping games & learning
March 19, 2023
After realizing that the game engine I was using wasn’t quite the right fit for me, I’ve spent the last two months evaluating and experimenting. It’s been a...
snake, a zine, and some other fun things
January 28, 2023
Howdy! I write to you from the couch on a sunny Saturday morning. I come bearing some fun recently released projects. Slither — Cute Snake First up is...
These freakin' goblins...
January 10, 2023
They're everywhere! It's up to you to stop them in DESTROY ALL GOBLINS. The little game I've been working on for the last month is done! Destroy All Goblins...
My 2023 creative roadmap: finish things!
January 4, 2023
What I am hoping to accomplish in the new year with my game development efforts.
Books, games, and other creative junk
December 23, 2022
Updates on free books and small games.