Breakpoint - Issue 9
Hey folks,
Hope y’all are having fun with coding. Recently I was helping out to research how we can adopt Next.js for future projects and eventually migrate our current projects. It has been fun and finally has a use case to learn new framework. I’ve always liked to see what the new things are but without a use case I can’t really wrap my head around new concepts.
🖥️ Frontend Shares
Using Apollo Client with Next.js 13: releasing an official library to support the App Router
We have been using Apollo Client in our React apps as part of the whole GraphQL ecosystem. It would be great if we can continue using that in our Next.js apps. In Next.js 13.4, app router, or React Server Component, is the default way to build apps now and due to its different design paradigm a lot of libraries don’t work in Server Components. Apollo just released experimental support for Next.js app router and I’ve got it working so far. My next step would be to see how to pass the normalized cache from server to client. Hoping the traditional SSR way can still work.
I can’t believe React has been around for 10 years now. It has truly revolutionized frontend and has also inspired other frameworks. The recent development from React has been exciting and I personally look forward to what it will bring next.
Understanding the Performance Impact of Generated JavaScript
I have read many blog posts like this and always amazed by the quality and the time people have put into them. Such post requires broad understanding of how tools like terser works and many trial and errors. This also gives me new perspective about if we can just write our code and let the tool do its thing or we actually inspect the output and find opportunities to further optimize them.
In this episode, the React team talks about the recent development in React and where it is going to take us in the future. Also why Dan Abramov doesn’t like TypeScript 😂
Some updates in this release:
- CSS [
text-wrap: balance
] (#text-wrap-balance) is available to improve text layouts. - Cookies partitioned by top level site (CHIPS)are here.
- Popovers are easier than ever with the Popover API.
- DevTool allows you to debug your WASM apps
- Easily debug Autofill-related issues. Highlight the incorrect form attributes.