Spinning plates: How a one-person publisher is bringing Imperial Borders, the latest giant game from legendary Axis & Allies designer Larry Harris, to the table [sponsored]
Thank you to Nightingale Games for supporting our reporting
An extra newsletter this week thanks to Nightingale Games, who are supporting BoardGameWire’s reporting through this sponsored article. I’m delighted to say that between articles such as this, subscriptions from readers, adverts and site sponsorships, we’re now in a financial position to be able to hire other reporters for freelance writing, so hopefully we’ll have some new voices on the site very soon!
Please do take the time to help BoardGameWire’s reporting by checking out the article, and read about how Nightingale is running its latest Kickstarter campaign for Larry Harris’ Imperial Borders.
Thank you, and have a great week!
Mike Didymus-True - Editor
Spinning plates: How a one-person publisher is bringing Imperial Borders, the latest giant game from legendary Axis & Allies designer Larry Harris, to the table [sponsored]
Bringing any board game crowdfunding project to fruition amid the clamour of competiting offerings can be a challenge for even large publishers. But doing so as a one-person company, putting out the latest expansive board game from famed Axis & Allies designer Larry Harris, requires another level of plate-spinning entirely. In this sponsored article, Nightingale Games owner Thomas Gale talks deluxification of Kickstarters, savvy advertising and working in the post-Covid environment, while Larry Harris himself discusses his design approach and creating ‘experiences’ rather than just games.
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