Relearning to Write - R.A. Young - Jan. 2, 2024
It's 1994. I'm 10 years old. I handwrite a story, some outrageous adventure starring a Tarzan-like idiot named Banana Man. He throws bananas, hangs out with gorillas, and loves farting. I read this story in front of my class. The laughter and cheers leave a lasting impact. I'd go on to spend the next six months writing the continuing adventures of Banana Man, as well as other stories with titles like Something Smelly and Butt. I'm in love with writing. It's the only time in my life I remember writing being fun, exciting, and most of all easy.
It's 2024 and I'm staring at a word processor's glaring blank white interface. I've been writing articles about video games, including news, reviews, and stream-of-consciousness rants professionally for over 15 years. Today is different. I'm writing something new, something I'm excited about. It's honestly quite frightening. Whether it will be fun or easy are questions I'll have a better answer for in time, but I'm hopeful. Skeptical, but hopeful. There's a story in my head that I want to put to page. I'm trying to remember how to write for myself. I'm relearning as I go. Let's fucking do.
If I'm going to be writing a whole damn book, I'm going to need to talk about it. Unfortunately, General Anxiety Disorder doesn't mesh well with speaking directly to others regarding work I'm self-conscious about. A newsletter sent into the void of the internet seems better fitting, especially given my games journalism experience. "Relearning to Write" is my answer.
In this newsletter, I'll casually bounce from subject to subject. The state of my writing (and likely associated mental turmoil) will be a consistent focus. Hobbies, including thoughts on comics, games, and movies, will pop up from time to time, too. Oh, and -- fair warning -- wrestling might come up from time to time, too.
My priority will be consistency, rather than quality. I'll try to post weekly. That isn't to say these newsletters won't be interesting or worth reading, but rather that the act of communicating matters more to me than the product of communication. Let's try our best!
2023 was an unbelievably challenging year, personally. Between the passing of a dear friend and a health emergency that left my mother in the hospital for a month, I ended 2023 emotionally tapped. Then there was the return of my injured foot to start the year, followed by a cut index finger tendon mid-year. I'm also currently working with a psychiatrist to try and improve a growing issue with focus and concentration that we have yet to hammer down. Let's not even mention the world falling apart. It's been a journey, to say the least.
In 2024, I want to feel productive. I want to feel whole. That means finishing my finger PT, getting my meds straight, losing another 20 lbs, and getting this book going. If I can do that, and manage to get my feet back under me, then I'll consider this year a win. That may be a bit heavy for a first newsletter, but let's set the tone early.
If you've read this far, I've got to say thanks. This will hopefully be the start of something great. Talk soon.