Black Python Devs is getting ready for something great!
Sorry for the delay in publishing this, we were waiting on a few things to happen. We’re still waiting to make a massive announcement but we want to talk about a few things that we’re doing in the community.
We’ll see you at PyCon US
PyCon US is one month away and we’re excited that we’ll be bringing a team). We were also able to help get a few individuals tickets to attend in person and online!

We’re excited that Black Python Devs member Lazouich Ford is giving a talk at PyCon US this year! Learn more about geospatial data, PostGIS and how to create custom validations for inbound requests.
We also have lots in store for our community booth as well as a takeover of the PSF booth for a Black Python Developer leadership panel and more.
Local Communities
One of the Black Python Devs initiatives is to Build Local Communities. This means gathering folks that are in the same area. We are seeing this develop already where folks in the area are working together to represent Black Python Devs and grow membership. They’re also working to host local events and find speakers in the area and we offer our discord as a place where they can interact with our community, especially our collection of community leaders from around the globe.
We’ve seen folks mobilize around PyCon Nigeria and the Python Ho Meetup in Ghana.
Coffee and Code and Other Ideas in the Discord!
Every Friday, our community has a meetup where we give folks the opportunity to share things they’ve been working on and learned and also make space for people to speak to the community to get them involved. Here’s a look at some of the things that we’ve talked about in the community.
- Let’s Live Submit to DjangoCon US
- Typer’s New feature to make any python file a CLI script
We also have plans for a few upcoming projects like
- CFP submission ideation sessions and advice
- Learn Python Together
- book clubs
- open source project hack togethers.
Upcoming Events
Lastly, we have a couple of news points we think you should know about. is accepting applications for their next cohort. is an amazing program hoping to help more folks get involved in the Django open source community. Black Python Devs is proud of the amazing work the organizers (including 2 of our own) and the initial cohorts (including one of our own) have been able to contribute to the Django ecosystem.
Learn more at
PyCon Nigeria early bird tickets are now on sale
Early bird tickets for PyCon Nigeria are on sale and you should buy some tickets even if you don’t plan to attend. Student tickets are about $6 USD and Individual Tickets are $14.
If you can do anything to remove friction from someone else going, remember this can be a moment that changes the trajectory of their career for the better.
Learn more at
Thanks for hanging with us and we’ll chat next month!
Founder, Black Python Devs