Max Beyond (2024) Review

(Click picture above to watch trailer)
Max Beyond is a sci-fi animation film that focuses on eight-year-old, Max, a young boy who can transport to different dimensions, using his gift to find the one universe in which his big brother saves him.
Made in the Unreal Engine (famous for hits such as Borderlands, Fortnite, and the award-winning short The Voice in the Hollow), Max Beyond feels more retro in its graphics and reminds one more of than BioShock Infinite or Street Fighter V.
The Not So Good
1. I, simply, am never gonna be in favor of a movie where the only black people do not make it out alive (seemingly) and this happens in very graphic ways. Although the animation is similar to what you'd expect in a third person shooter video game, that doesn't make it any less discouraging knowing that you will continuously see a black man killed over and over again for at least an hour and ten minutes.
2. The biggest problem was logic didn’t always hang tight in this story. I’m not talking about the science fiction elements such as inter-dimensional space travel or robotic armies. I’m here to suspend my disbelief and will jump headfirst into the universe (or universes) provided for me to explore and I understand the logic attached to certain stories doesn’t need to be delved into so deep that the whole fabric of the universe comes apart. But in Max Beyond, it’s not the science fiction fantasy logic that makes believing a little difficult ot follow, it’s regular logic which had me and my friends asking: Why doesn’t Max just tell his brother what’s about to happen sooner?
In many instances, the problem could’ve been solved if not altogether avoided if Max simply told Leon what was about to happen long enough before it happened. It’s possible that Max didn’t know up until five seconds before something happened, how to avoid it, but since it’s not clear whether or not that’s the case, it’s hard to believe that so much needs to happen to protect Max when doing less would achieve the desired effect.
The Good
1. The voice acting is fantastic. If nothing else, Dave Fennoy as Leon, Jane Perry as Dr. Ava Johnson, and Cade Tropeano as Max, will ground you in the familiar cadence of video game narrative. Voice actors can make or break a production and these actors definitely play a huge part in making Max Beyond.
2. I will give a chance to a story where the protagonist is intent on keeping one of the only black characters alive and that character will be seen in a spinoff of sorts.
Max Beyond serves as a prequel for the video game under the same name that is set to come out this year. If I hadn’t known that ahead of time, I would’ve been less forgiving of how Leon’s character was treated. In the game, however, you will play as Leon as you try to save Max and I’m interested in seeing how that resonates with players in the coming months.
You can watch Max Beyond through Apple TV now.