Happy December!
How's your month going? I hope you're doing well!
A post I shared on Facebook that I'd like to put here as we go through the end of the year:
as we go into one of the most gift-givingest times of the year & as someone who has a difficult time unraveling guilt from gratitude, please remember that you are allowed to want and need and you are allowed to get what you want and what you need (as long youre not hurting anybody) / and gift-giving is a great love language! let people love you in the language they understand most (once again, as long as it doesnt hurt you or them)! capitalism is just trying to ruin everything for us but gifts can be good and you can deserve them
please remember to be kind to yourself especially now, but always!
updates (fuller updates can be found through my Patreon!):
I'm turning in my draft for an interactive fiction novel/game today! Send good vibes please I have no idea what I'm doing (like most things tbh)
I've got roundtable answers up at Autostraddle (almost) every Monday and am working on a few more things for the site
I finished advising for Winter Tangerine's Open By Riot Laughter, a writing workshop for trans and gnc writers
I'm moving as much as I can to Free and Open Source Services (FOSS) (which is why this is coming from ButtonDown not Tinyletter!) and keeping an eye out for projects like Koype that aim to make the transition from corporate based sites to independent web easier.
I'm going to try to build my own PC for my birthday! You know it's serious because instead of just creeping on Reddit, I've made an account and posted asking for help (so far, very kind in responses!).
Last two things:
A note, the poetry community is very small, and recently a white person has been found plagiarizing mostly marginalized poets (as of December 3rd, 13 people). You can read her Twitter thread here and the Vulture article here. Rachel is one of the greatest people I know and someone who gave me permission to try so many of the things that've lead me to you, to learn to heal and keep healing, and lead me to wonderful and life-changing experiences, wrote about her experience with it here. If you feel moved to support her, you can buy her book, blud, (which I highly recommend) here and two other poets who were plagiarized and who I highly recommend Hieu Minh Nguyen - here and Brenna Twohy - here / books are on the left hand side (here's an interview I did with Twohy years ago/ a side note, she is lovely).
I was trying to upload a gif but it didn't work so please accept this picture instead:
Thank you all for being here.
My birthday is in twoish weeks, so if you wanna send money my way I'm not opposed but I'd love for you to donate to black trans women and trans women of color first.
<3 <3 <3