In the spirit of Derek Sivers, I like to keep a /now page. The /now page is a good moment to check in with myself about what I'm doing. It's nice to reflect on what's been happening in my life, while also keeping tabs on if I'm still doing with my time what I intended to be doing.
I've been really bad at updating this page, though! As I am writing, it hasn't been up updated since November. Time to change that, and to help me I'm going to put out a newsletter update at the same time. An every-two-months schedule seems like a good one to try out of the gate.
Last winter Shawn and I surprised ourselves when we started to work on software again. This winter we are baffling ourselves again by stepping up our commitment to being Good Enough. We are moving the studio from a place to have fun with tiny projects to a place that builds a few products with the goal to become a self-sustaining business.
We are fortunate to have Matthew Lettini on board. For a few weeks now he's been absolutely blasting Album Whale into orbit. It's felt great to be improving that product at such a rapid pace.
This week we started working on our next product. This is a product we need to use, and a product that will generate revenue. We're just getting going, but making steady progress.
And we need more help! We have two job posts up that we're getting ready to share. If you want to get a flavor of what we're hoping Good Enough grows into, these posts say some more:
Much like my last update, school activities have been busy. Wait, actually, why did I say that in the last update? The middle and youngest are much more busy now!
The youngest is in gymnastics, and competition season has been these past few months. She's also been doing music things, transitioning from baritone to tuba and performing a few ensembles at the recent district contest. The middle is in: concert band, solo & ensemble, jazz band, musical pit orchestra, winter drumline, student council, knowledge bowl, and robotics. (I'm certain I missed something.) What is she thinking?! :)
The oldest is back to college for spring semester. While her winter break started off with some rocky things, it seemed like she really enjoyed being home for an extended stay. I think it was an over-five-week break! At college she's been enjoying pep band, concert band, student alumni association, and a kpop club in the city. She also took a car with her and has loved exploring more of the city.
Jesse and I work together to try to keep everyone, including ourselves, happy. I've found this winter to be quite hard. I've started feeling old for the first time in my life. While Four Thousand Weeks was a great book, I'm still at some mid-point stage of leveling with the fact that, well, I'm not going to do everything I'd hoped to do before I expire. I think this is a freeing way to think about one's priorities, but I'm not quite fully at peace with it yet. Soon!
In the positive spirit of the above paragraph, I hope my next update tells you about some good changes I've made in my habits. I hope it shows that I'm feeling healthier and upbeat. I hope you'll be able to see me living into the priorities I've set for myself. And I hope all of the same for you!
If you would rather update your personal /now page by replying to me and telling me what you're up to, I'm all ears!