Since my sixteen-year-old and I were on a call list at our local pharmacy, we were able to get the vaccine on Tuesday evening. These lists are for when a pharmacy has vaccine that is going to expire and get thrown away. This is especially applicable to the Pfizer/BioNTech vaccine, which can only be out of refrigeration for six hours. These lists are long because people from around the state have called numerous pharmacies to get on many lists. The pharmacist called many people before us, but they all either didn’t answer or were not able to get there quickly. Fortunately since we live so close we could actually get there in time to get the shot.
So if you haven’t gotten the shot, I would recommend calling a couple of your nearby pharmacies and getting on a similar list if they have one. This will help make sure that no vaccine goes to waste.
I am thankful for the nurses and pharmacists who are distributing this shot. I am thankful for the systems, government and otherwise, that are getting it out into our communities at a faster and faster rate every day.
I am thankful for the hundreds of years of scientific progress that led to this point. If this pandemic happened even twenty-five years ago, we would be left in the wilderness for many, many more years. (In actual fact, even five years ago could have been much deadlier. Pfizer/BioNTech and Moderna are the first ever mRNA vaccines approved for human use.) I’m thankful for the scientists who have spent decades of their lives being educated, learning, and discovering. I’m thankful that they keep discovering ways to combat viruses such as this all in the face of a concerted and maddening effort to discredit their work. I hope the opinions of talking heads with no scientific background do not damage our ability to recruit future scientists into the field or our ability to combat the next potential pandemic in the future.
I’m glad to have done my little part to protect those around me. Stopping this as a deadly and constant disease will take billions of others standing up to do the same.