Oh, baby, is it getting springy here. I even made some guacamole! We sat around a bonfire with our neighbors. It was 30 degrees. Springy!
With spring, comes the introduction of a March of Time theatrical reading. It comes from my friend Mike who hears the title of this letter in a certain way.
Also, baseball is starting. Though fewer than expected are going to watch it what with the streaming packages not able to carry the regional sports networks. The regional sports networks are careening toward their own, overpriced streaming options. It looks like we’re moving toward $40/month to watch your baseball team, whether that’s a direct streaming package or paying for overpriced cable TV. Faaaaaantastic.
We’ve been watching The Morning Show and I have to say it is pretty compelling. I think thus far they have handled #MeToo pretty well, showing all sorts of different angles, implications, and involvements. Issues like this are complicated, and the show provides some nuance.
It has also been interesting to see behind the curtain of a morning show, which is the epitome of the “news as entertainment” issues I touched on last week. Some in the program discussed their commitment to journalism and you believe them. Some discussed their commitment to journalism and all you can muster is believing that they believe themselves.
We have one episode left and we’re definitely curious how/if they’ll wrap up most of the storylines.
Finally, check out how Daft Punk created the sample for “One More Time.”
Do you remember your childhood bedroom? I do and I don’t.
Before my parents moved from my childhood home I made a point to walk around the acreage and take pictures of the various things that made it home to me. While I have a good number of pictures of the kitchen and living room of my childhood home, I did not think to take pictures of most of the other rooms. Even if I had thought to do that, my childhood bedroom would not have looked then as it looked when I was a kid.
I spent a good deal of time in that room. Reading. Playing games. Reading. Playing with A/V gear. Reading.
For most of that time I had a 13” black and white television. It was black and white, but the picture was decent if I could get a good signal on the rabbit ears. I think my favorite memory with that TV was when I wanted to connect my Nintendo’s RF connector, but didn’t have one of those UHF antenna adapter things. I suspect the reason I didn’t go find an adapter elsewhere in the house was not because of laziness, but rather because a friend and I were having a sleepover and were probably not supposed to be playing Nintendo. Anyway, we figured out we could take some wire from one of those Radio Shack electronics kits, wrap one wire around the center conductor of the coax cable connector, wrap another wire around the outer conductor, and send each of those to a separate UHF screw on the back of the TV.
I don’t think we burned the house down. And I don’t remember getting in trouble. I’m sure it was all worth it to play StarTropics!