What's your true-crime New Year's resolution?
the true crime that's worth your time
One of the benefits of the current true-crime boom is that we don’t just have to settle for what we’re given anymore. While once the best we could do was cheesy reenactment shows and the occasional 20/20, now we can subsist on a high-quality true-crime diet for as long as we’d like. After all, there’s always something more in the pipeline. So, a resolution like “I’m not going to watch Oxygen anymore” is something that one could actually stick to, this year.
That bounty means that there are restraint resolutions that could be enacted. For my part, I’m going to tamp down my completionist nature and quit shows and podcasts* if I’m not loving them within the first 20 minutes. After all, these aren’t dramas or sitcoms that might need a bit of slow burn — these are news stories I can Google if I want to know how the tale ends. Life is too short to hang in for mediocrity!
What about you? What are your true crime resolutions for 2022? We’d love to hear. — EB
*that I’m consuming for fun, not for critical or work purposes