The Ice Man: Kuklinski, Soprano, and an unjustly forgotten doc series
the true crime that's worth your time
America Undercover probably belongs on the Mt. Rushmore of TV true crime. Why don't we talk about it anymore?

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"Faxed each other?" Hell, go back to the time when "organized crime" didn't exist. Until 1957, the FBI pretended urban "organized crime" didn't exist. It took more than a decade for the agency to begin making a dent in La Cosa Nostra. The truth of the matter is that " stone killers" like Kuklinski made their livings as hit-man operatives. They were often not "made men" because they weren't pure-blood Italian but that made them more effective than the "gomba" hitters because they weren't directly recognizable as mob associates. I like the idea of various metal eras but I don't think you can designate them without recognizing that organized crime families in 25 cities around the country are a very clear and discernible part of any "true crime" history.