Tell us your dream (or nightmare) true-crime crossover events
the true crime that's worth your time
(…because I just refuse to give the term “collab” more oxygen.) A My Favorite Murder/Criminal crossover ep just dropped on Amazon, in which Karen and Georgia talk about Pearl Lusk and Olga Rocco with Criminal host Phoebe Judge. I haven’t listened as of this writing, and to tell you the truth the episode seems to me like an intellectual-property platypus that doesn’t fit itself or need to exist? But it did get us thinking about crossovers we would like to see (Josh Dean x Michelle Dean; Werner Herzog x Bart Layton), as well as some we are wary of saying three times, lest we bring them forth (Ashley Flowers x Joshua Zeman).
What’s your ideal (or curséd) true-crime joint project?
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