February Bonus Review: The House of Suh
The ancient-epic echoes of a single wrecked family
the true crime that's worth your time
The crime
In September of 1993, college student Andrew Suh came home from college; posted up in the garage of the family apartment; and murdered his sister Catherine’s (ex-?)boyfriend Robert O’Dubaine, on Catherine’s instructions. Catherine had claimed O’Dubaine was beating her, as well as stealing from the business they co-owned to finance gambling debts — and that, several years prior, O’Dubaine had murdered Catherine and Andrew’s mother, Elizabeth, so that O’Dubaine and Catherine could avail themselves of Elizabeth’s life-insurance policy.
Law enforcement tied up the Suhs for the killing of O’Dubaine pretty promptly, but Catherine bolted on the eve of the trial in 1995, and it took an assist from America’s Most Wanted to track her down. Andrew, his appeal team, and various commentators now seem to believe that Catherine murdered Elizabeth Suh, and that when her relationship with O’Dubaine hit the skids, his knowledge of what really went down meant she had to silence him permanently.