Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult might be the busiest true crime title ever
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Have you noticed how certain tabloids pack, like, three run-on sentences into a headline in hopes that one of the words will be SEO-nip enough to give them a lucrative traffic pop? Like "Eve Batey puts on leggy display days after cleaning up gross dump left by one of two foster greyhounds: four-year-old Eddie or two-year-old George."? New Netflix true crime series Dancing for the Devil: The 7M TikTok Cult feels like its following the same strategy, with someone on the marketing team explaining the separate audience circles that will hit play for "dancing" "devil" or "TikTok." And, honestly, it's too bad! There's a genuine story lurking somewhere beneath the scummy title and some of the more used car salesman aspects to the series.