Planning tasks in War Room
Hello friends!
I started a new experiment this week: a monthly journal website at I was itching to write some more unstructured stuff and this idea seemed to jive with my brain, so why not give it a try!
On there, I wrote a post about the idea itself and just published a post about a new feature in War Room!
The new feature to War Room (the social to-do list app I built) is the ability to plan tasks for the week ahead — letting you put a pin in tasks that are important, but need to be spaced out in the future.
I’m really excited about it! A few months ago, I wrote about how this sort of extremely-basic planning process helped with my stress, and now it’s integrated into War Room.
That’s all for now! If all goes as planned, some more writing will appear at over the coming week.
Hope you have a great week!