Where Am I
Last time we continued our exploration of using extended file attributes with Windows PowerShell. I hope you realize you can build your tooling using the concepts and techniques I’ve demonstrated. Please don’t assume that my code samples are the only way or the best way. Very often, the work I share with you is written to help you understand. My code is not necessarily designed to be production-ready or worthy.
When we left off, we had a way to get image-related attributes, and I showed you how to create property sets. This makes it easy to get camera-related attributes from a file.
PS C:\> Get-ChildItem c:\work\test-photos\ | Get-Imagefile | Select-Object -property CameraImage,name -first 1
CameraMaker : HTC
CameraModel : HTC6500LVW
ExposureTime : 1/9615 sec.
ExposureBias : 0 step
FStop : f/2
LightSource : Unknown
WhiteBalance : Auto
ISOSpeed : ISO-125
FocalLength : 4 mm
DateTaken : 2/14/2014 10:35:00 AM
Saturation : Normal
Name : IMAG0047.jpg
There’s another set of properties we can get, but they are not exposed via the COM object we’ve been using.
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