The Value of Objects
I expect I will write several articles about PowerShell and its relationship with objects. I know that this is the biggest hurdle for PowerShell beginners to overcome. But once they grasp that PowerShell is about working with objects in the pipeline, they recognize the value and begin finding it easier to write PowerShell code and use it interactively at a console prompt.
Don’t forget that I am approaching PowerShell from the role of an IT pro. Many of these people are coming to PowerShell with other automation and scripting skills. It might be old-fashioned batch files. It might be extensive experience with VBScript. That was my PowerShell journey. Like many of you, my initial PowerShell experiences were colored by my past. I kept trying to make PowerShell write text as I did with VBScript.
Here’s an old VBScript example.
Dim objSet, wshell
On Error Resume Next
Set wshell=CreateObject("Wscript.Shell")
If wscript.arguments.count=0 Then
strSrv=InputBox("What server do you want to check? You must have admin rights on it. Do NOT use \\ " & _
"before the servername.","Disk Check","SERVERNAME")
If strSrv="" Then
wshell.popup "Nothing entered or you cancelled",4,"Disk Check",0+48
End If
End If
strQuery = "Select * from win32_logicaldisk where drivetype=3"
Set objSet=GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strSrv).ExecQuery(strQuery)
if err.number<>0 then
wshell.popup "Oops! Error connecting to " & UCase(strSrv) & vbCrlf & "make sure you are using valid " & _
"credentials." & vbCrlf & "Error: " & err.number & " - " & err.description,5,"Disk Check Error",0+48
end if
For Each item In objSet
o=o & item.DeviceID & "\" & VBTAB
o=o & FormatNumber(item.Size/1048576,0) & Vbtab & FormatNumber(item.FreeSpace/1048576,0) & Vbtab & PerFree & Vbcrlf
WScript.Echo "Drive" & Vbtab & "Size (MB) Free (MB) %Free" & VbCrLf & o
set objSet=Nothing
set wshell=Nothing