Serialization Situation
One of PowerShell's greatest strengths, and one of its greatest challenges, is its object-oriented nature. Once you get your head wrapped around this concept, using PowerShell in the console or scripted automation begins to feel like magic. Where this becomes challenging is when you need to take output and save it to disk for future re-use. This process is know as serialization. In text-based situations this is easy.
git log | Out-File glog.txt
The output of the git command is text, so saving it to a file is simple.
But what about PowerShell?
Get-WinEvent -LogName System -MaxEvents 3 | Out-File systemlog.txt
The file gets created.
ProviderName: Microsoft-Windows-Time-Service
TimeCreated Id LevelDisplayName Message
----------- -- ---------------- -------
3/25/2024 9:59:16 AM 158 Information The time provider '?
ProviderName: Netwtw10
TimeCreated Id LevelDisplayName Message
----------- -- ---------------- -------
3/25/2024 9:51:13 AM 7003 Information 7003 - Roam Complete
3/25/2024 9:47:04 AM 6062 Warning 6062 - Lso was trig?
But the saved output is not very useful. And a lot of detail has been lost.
You could always do something like this:
Get-WinEvent -LogName System -MaxEvents 3 |
Select-Object -Property * |
Out-File systemlog-all.txt
But what can you really do with this?
Message : The time provider 'VMICTimeProvider' has indicated that the current hardware and operating environment is not supported and has stopped. This behavior is expected for VMICTimeProvider on non-HyperV-guest environments. This may be the expected behavior for the current provider in the current operating environment as well.
Id : 158
Version : 0
Qualifiers :
Level : 4
Task : 0
Opcode : 0
Keywords : -9223372036854775808
RecordId : 135070
ProviderName : Microsoft-Windows-Time-Service
ProviderId : 06edcfeb-0fd0-4e53-acca-a6f8bbf81bcb
LogName : System
ProcessId : 57844
ThreadId : 57564
MachineName : Prospero
UserId : S-1-5-19
You could bring this back into PowerShell with a complicated script using regular expressions and text parsing. However, your time is valuable and you have better things to do.
The typical serialization format in PowerShell is XML. This is used in PowerShell remoting to return data from PSSession.
PS C:\> $r Invoke-Command { Get-Service winrm } -Computername SRV1
PS C:\> $r | Get-Member | Select-Object TypeName -Unique
The Deserialized
prefix indicates that the object is a deserialized object. This is a special type of object that is created when data is passed between sessions. The object is serialized into XML and then deserialized back into an PS custom object.
PS C:\>< $r.GetType().FullName
One very important distinction between a native object and its deserialized version is the lack of methods. Using Get-TypeMember
I can see the native object's methods.
PS C:\> Get-TypeMember System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController -MemberType Method
Type: System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
Name MemberType ResultType IsStatic IsEnum
---- ---------- ---------- -------- ------
Close Method Void
Continue Method Void
Dispose Method Void
Equals Method Boolean
ExecuteCommand Method Void
GetDevices Method ServiceController[] True
GetHashCode Method Int32
GetLifetimeService Method Object
GetServices Method ServiceController[] True
GetType Method Type
InitializeLifetimeService Method Object
Pause Method Void
Refresh Method Void
Start Method Void
Stop Method Void
ToString Method String
WaitForStatus Method Void
Compare this to the serialized object.
PS C:\> $r | Get-Member -MemberType Method
TypeName: Deserialized.System.ServiceProcess.ServiceController
Name MemberType Definition
---- ---------- ----------
GetType Method type GetType()
ToString Method string ToString(), string ToString(string format, System.IFormatProvider formatProvider), string IFormattable.ToStrin…
can't be used with deserialized objects because it can't convert the type name to a valid type.
The methods you see are ones PowerShell adds to all objects. They are not related to the original, native object. However, PowerShell can easily construct an object with the original property names and value, which is probably what you want anyway.
You can manually serialize an object to XML using the Export-Clixml
cmdlet. This is the best method for saving objects to disk for later use.
Get-WinEvent -LogName System -MaxEvents 10 | Export-Clixml systemlog.xml
The output is technically an XML file.
Version="" xmlns="">
N="Qualifiers" />
But it is XML that is specific to PowerShell. You could use the file in a non-PowerShell XML application, but it would be difficult to work with. Rather, the XML file is structured to best re-create the original objects in PowerShell when imported.
$in = Import-clixml systemlog.xml
This is still a deserialized object
PS C:\> $in | Get-Member | Select-Object TypeName -Unique
But, you can use the output just as you would have with the original output.
PS C:\> $in | Group-Object -Property ProviderName -NoElement | Sort Count,Name | Select Name,Count
Name Count
---- -----
Microsoft-Windows-Time-Service 2
Microsoft-Windows-Kernel-General 4
Netwtw10 4
If you need to save output for later use in PowerShell, the cliXML cmdlets are the best way to go, especially if you want to save as much detail as possible.
You might want to take advantage of the
parameter ofExport-Clixml
to prevent overwriting an existing XML file.
You should always be thinking about how you intend to re-use the serialized data. PowerShell objects can be quite complex with nested object properties. You might need to use the -Depth
parameter to control how deep the serialization goes. The default is 2 levels. But you might not need that much detail.
PS C:\> get-process -id $pid | export-clixml d:\temp\pid-1.xml -Depth 1
Or you might want more.
PS C:\> get-process -id $pid | export-clixml d:\temp\pid-3.xml -Depth 3
As you might expect, the deeper you go, the bigger the file becomes.
PS C:\> dir d:\temp\pid*.xml
Directory: D:\temp
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 3/25/2024 11:24 AM 26018 pid-1.xml
-a---- 3/25/2024 11:23 AM 441304 pid-2.xml
-a---- 3/25/2024 11:24 AM 1051868 pid-3.xml
And this is for a single process!
Here's the result on importing.
PS C:\> (import-clixml D:\temp\pid-1.xml).mainmodule
System.Diagnostics.ProcessModule (powershell.exe)
PS C:\> (import-clixml D:\temp\pid-2.xml).mainmodule
Size(K) ModuleName FileName
------- ---------- --------
440 powershell.exe C:\Windows\System32\Windowspowershel...
If you don't need that much detail, you can improve performance and reduce the file size by reducing the depth.
There's no simple way to calculate the maximum depth you might need. You'll have to determine that on your own.
PS C:\> $here = Get-Process -id $pid
PS C:\> $here.mainmodule.FileVersionInfo.FileVersionRaw.Major
PS C:\> (import-clixml D:\temp\pid-3.xml).mainmodule.fileversioninfo.fileversionraw.major
Zip It
Because your XML files can get quite large, you might want to consider compressing them. We've looked at compressing files before using the .NET Framework. But I put together a simple function to create a serialized cliXML object and compress it to a zip file. The function will delete the original XML file.
Function Export-ClixmlArchive {
Param (
[Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory)]
[int32]$Depth = 2,
[Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]
Begin {
Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) BEGIN ] Starting $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
$data = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]]::new()
#define the xml file path
$xmlPath = $Path -replace '\.zip$', '.xml'
Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) BEGIN ] XML file path: $xmlPath"
$processing = $False
} #begin
Process {
If (-Not $Processing) {
#Display the progress message once
Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) PROCESS] Processing $($InputObject.GetType().Name) objects"
$Processing = $True
#add each input object to the list
} #process
End {
#create the cliXML file
if ($data.Count -gt 0) {
Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) END ] Exporting $($data.count) objects"
if ($NoClobber -and (Test-Path -Path $xmlPath)) {
Write-Warning "File $xmlPath already exists."
else {
Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) END ] Exporting data to $xmlPath"
$data | Export-Clixml -Path $xmlPath -Depth $Depth
#create the zip file
if ($NoClobber -and (Test-Path -Path $Path)) {
Write-Warning "File $Path already exists."
elseif (Test-Path $xmlPath) {
Try {
Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) END ] Compressing $xmlPath to $Path"
Compress-Archive -Path $xmlPath -DestinationPath $Path -CompressionLevel Optimal -Force -ErrorAction Stop
Catch {
Throw $_
#delete the xml file
Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) END ] Deleting $xmlPath"
Remove-Item -Path $xmlPath -Force -ErrorAction Stop
if ($Passthru) {
Get-Item $Path
} #if
} #if
else {
Write-Warning 'No data to export.'
} #if
Write-Verbose "[$((Get-Date).TimeOfDay) END ] Ending $($MyInvocation.MyCommand)"
} #end
Because Export-Clixml
supports -WhatIf
, I added it to my function. Here's what it looks like using the defined alias.
PS C:\> get-process | where ws -gt 100mb | exmlzip d:\temp\ -WhatIf
What if: Performing the operation "Export-Clixml" on target "d:\temp\proc100.xml".
PS C:\> get-process | where ws -gt 500mb | exmlzip d:\temp\ -Verbose -Passthru
VERBOSE: [13:54:51.0494083 BEGIN ] Starting Export-ClixmlArchive
VERBOSE: [13:54:51.0514100 BEGIN ] XML file path: d:\temp\proc500.xml
VERBOSE: [13:54:51.0874415 PROCESS] Processing Process objects
VERBOSE: [13:54:51.0937561 END ] Exporting 4 objects
VERBOSE: [13:54:51.0947561 END ] Exporting data to d:\temp\proc500.xml
VERBOSE: [13:54:54.8457910 END ] Compressing d:\temp\proc500.xml to d:\temp\
VERBOSE: [13:54:54.9478040 END ] Deleting d:\temp\proc500.xml
Directory: D:\temp
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
-a---- 3/25/2024 1:54 PM 116238
VERBOSE: [13:54:54.9590349 END ] Ending Export-ClixmlArchive
The best technique for serializing data that you intend to re-use in PowerShell is to use the Export-Clixml
cmdlet. This will save the data in a format that can be easily imported back into PowerShell. You can control the depth of the serialization to manage the size of the file. You can also compress the file to save space. The function I provided is a simple way to automate this process.
In a way, Export-Clixml
let's you save an object to a file with the highest "resolution." This is especially true if you increase the depth. If you don't need that level of detail there are other options such as JSON. We'll look at serialization options and challenges with that format in an upcoming article.