.NET for IT Pros
Not that long ago, I asked for feedback on this newsletter. One of the things I was looking for was content suggestions. I can’t promise I’ll cover everything that was suggested, but today’s article is drawn from a suggestion. Although, it might be more of a request. The reader’s need is to understand the .NET Framework better. You don’t need to be a .NET developer to use PowerShell. But the more you understand .NET, the more you can get out of PowerShell. And in some cases, you can write very sophisticated scripts incorporating the .NET Framework directly.
I’m not going to try and cover everything in a single article. Today, I wanted to provide an introduction to .NET for non-developers. Look for articles on other aspects in the future. Let’s get started.
What is the .NET Framework?
The .NET Framework is a software framework developed by Microsoft that provides a programming model and a set of libraries for building and running applications. While developers primarily use it, it's still crucial for IT professionals to understand its role and significance in the software ecosystem.