Environmental Impact
Let’s continue our exploration of using the [System.Environment]
class from the .NET Framework. As I explained last time, there is no way to construct an instance of this class, so we must use the static (::) operator to get properties and invoke methods.
PS C:\> [Environment]::Version
Major Minor Build Revision
----- ----- ----- --------
8 0 0 -1
PS C:\> [Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("OS")
Today, I want to focus on a few methods I think you’ll find useful.
PS C:\> Get-TypeMember System.Environment -MemberType Method | Format-List Name,ReturnType,Syntax
Name : Equals
ReturnType : System.Boolean
Syntax : $obj.Equals([Object]obj)
Name : Exit
ReturnType : System.Void
Syntax : $obj.Exit([Int32]exitCode)
Name : ExpandEnvironmentVariables
ReturnType : System.String
Syntax : $obj.ExpandEnvironmentVariables([String]name)
Name : FailFast
ReturnType : System.Void
Syntax : {$obj.FailFast([String]message),
Name : GetCommandLineArgs
ReturnType : System.String[]
Syntax : $obj.GetCommandLineArgs()
Name : GetEnvironmentVariable
ReturnType : System.String
Syntax : {$obj.GetEnvironmentVariable([String]variable),
Name : GetEnvironmentVariables
ReturnType : System.Collections.IDictionary
Syntax : {$obj.GetEnvironmentVariables([EnvironmentVariableTarget]target),
Name : GetFolderPath
ReturnType : System.String
Syntax : {$obj.GetFolderPath([SpecialFolder]folder),
Name : GetHashCode
ReturnType : System.Int32
Syntax : $obj.GetHashCode()
Name : GetLogicalDrives
ReturnType : System.String[]
Syntax : $obj.GetLogicalDrives()
Name : GetType
ReturnType : System.Type
Syntax : $obj.GetType()
Name : SetEnvironmentVariable
ReturnType : System.Void
Syntax : {$obj.SetEnvironmentVariable([String]variable,[String]value),
Name : ToString
ReturnType : System.String
Syntax : $obj.ToString()
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