Creating APICodePack Functions
I want to return to the project using the APICodePack library. You might want to review the previous articles to refresh your memory. I know I had to so I could remember where I left off. As a reminder, we are using a forked update of the Microsoft assemblies that have been updated. You will need to get version 1.1.5 of the Microsoft-WindowsAPI-CodePack-Core and Microsoft-WindowsAPI-CodePack-Shell packages. Note the dash and not a period. Here’s the code I use to install the packages and extract the files:
Install-Package Microsoft-WindowsAPICodePack-Core -RequiredVersion 1.1.5 -Force -Scope AllUsers
Install-Package Microsoft-WindowsAPICodePack-Shell -RequiredVersion 1.1.5 -Force -Scope AllUsers
Get-ChildItem (Get-Package Microsoft-WindowsApiCodePack-Core).source |
Copy-Item -Destination C:\temp\ -PassThru |
Expand-Archive -DestinationPath C:\temp\CodePack-Core -Force
Get-ChildItem (Get-Package Microsoft-WindowsApiCodePack-Shell).source |
Copy-Item -Destination C:\temp\ -PassThru |
Expand-Archive -DestinationPath C:\temp\CodePack-Shell -Force
You’ll want to load the version appropriate to your version of the .NET Framework in PowerShell.
dir C:\temp\CodePack-Core\lib
Directory: C:\temp\CodePack-Core\lib
Mode LastWriteTime Length Name
---- ------------- ------ ----
d---- 10/8/2023 4:27 PM net452
d---- 10/8/2023 4:27 PM net462
d---- 10/8/2023 4:27 PM net472
d---- 10/8/2023 4:27 PM net48
d---- 10/8/2023 4:27 PM net481
d---- 10/8/2023 4:27 PM net6.0-windows7.0
d---- 10/8/2023 4:27 PM net7.0-windows7.0
d---- 10/8/2023 4:27 PM netcoreapp3.1
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