Decisions and Updates November 2022
December 4, 2022
Things that I’ve done in the past month. There’s stuff about preact-native, mudkip and others. You can read all of it on here...
JS frameworks/libraries
September 12, 2022
Well, they are everywhere. There’s a new one every other week at this point and I’d like to let people know that they can step back a little and stay with...
Post Alert! Reaper
August 7, 2022
Well, been a while now since I posted anything so, Here’s what we are doing, going a bit through plugins, lua and how a tiny tool I built uses and the...
The `lab` Folder
July 26, 2022
I’m not very organised but here’s a post about how stuff goes from ideation to a git repository / public project The lab folder
Atomic Forms in React
July 9, 2022
The post goes through a simpler solution for maintaining form level state while isolating form validation from the actual component. Atomic Forms in React
Iterative GraphQL Server
July 1, 2022
I've talked about graphql slowing me down before and this is a correction to the older post since there is a way to make it faster to iterate changes with...
You can write fastlane scripts in Javascript now
June 16, 2022
No it’s not an official port from the fastlane team but it’s pretty close, Here’s a write up about it Writing fastlane scripts in Javascript
I guess we're doing this again....
June 15, 2022
I honestly forgot I had a newsletter since I stopped the weekly post thing, and now you know why Be Unproductive was a necessary post to make. I got 2...
Be Unproductive
November 30, 2021
It's okay to be unproductive. That's it, that's the post. But, seriously, why do people think that you have to have something really good going in your life,...
More than a devlog, 20th and 21st November, 2021
November 22, 2021
This weekend , we’ve got a bit more than just developer logs since a new package got added to our arsenal and here’s the developer log for it and the...
October 25, 2021
There’s supposed to be a devlog today but there’s basically nothing that I did in the past 7 days that would count as enough content for it. There was...
October 18, 2021
This weekend was long, cause we had a break for about 4 days due to Indian celebrations and that gave me enough time to work on things. Statico Managed to...
October 11, 2021
Didn't see many pushes and releases this week did you? That's cause I didn't make any. I was too busy researching the babel parser and traverser the last 2...
October 5, 2021
Ahoy readers! No, i’m not high on oxygen. I’m just excited about 3 projects that i’m working on right now extensively. Statico The first one is what this...
devlog [8]
September 27, 2021
Another week passes by and we're already close to October, like slow down a little! Getting back to work and development cause that's all I do.... Saturday...
Typescript, VSCode, JSDoc - An overview on managing coding style and restricting developers
September 23, 2021
Javascript and Typescript , the unneeded debate as to which is better and which should be used has been around for as long coffeescript existed and the...
devlog [7]
September 20, 2021
Hey humans! Let’s get started with things I was able to complete the past weekend. Projects I helped with Numix - moved Numix projects test engine to Github...
Product Update - Taco
September 15, 2021
Product Update Simplified Task Creation and Editing Monochromatic UI - Less distractions Shows Tasks First / Removed Dashboard (for...
Taco , It's tasty and now ready
September 14, 2021
Product Update for the newsletter family! Taco Tasks is officially completed with it’s base feature set. It’s now for both actual consumers and beta testers...
devlog [6]
September 13, 2021
Let's see, did I even do something the past week? I did. Not much, but it was fun stuff Taco As intended there was a bit of code cleanup and ended up...
Writing cleaner state in React and React Native
August 30, 2021
Writing cleaner state in React and React Native Ever since hooks got introduced in React, it made it a lot more easier to handle composition in react...
Should you use Hasura?
August 20, 2021
You can also read the post here For those who don’t know, I work with Fountane and we are a creative studio that helps business gain digital presence or even...
Custom Roms and the need for a custom rom index
August 17, 2021
You already know where the post will lead, it'll lead to some side project I ended up doing during the weekend. But, there's twist, this wasn't done on a...
Dev Labs Updates [5]
August 10, 2021
Previously I mentioned I'd be travelling the weekends and so the amount of work on my own projects was close to nothing, fortunately this week there's no...
Dev Labs Updates [4]
August 4, 2021
Apparently the previous emails never got delivered to the inbox, so you can check your spam for them if you wish to. There’s not been much in terms of...
The Immediate Next Steps to Taco
July 27, 2021
A big welcome to the mailing list, if you didn’t already get one from buttondown. This post is going to be only on the mailing list. Firstly, I hope everyone...
Taco | It's Up
July 25, 2021
To everyone, Taco is now available for beta testers and early adopters to start using.
Updates from BarelyHuman | Reaper - 22nd July 2021
July 22, 2021
Hey, Development Log Updates There were changes to Hen, the React Playground. Also created a new init template to help you out with react native , which...
Developer Log - 12th July
July 12, 2021
I've tried the per project log approach and it didn't really click, so I'm going to keep doing single development logs. Let's get to it. Major Updates Taco...
Status, Vercel and How I built it.
July 3, 2021
By Status i mean this website barelyhuman/status The reason I built it was simple, I needed a simple setup to see if the web services were all up and...