newsletter 0: this isn't actually a newsletter, it's mostly an introduction
hello everyone!!!
either you’re here because you signed up to my newsletter, or at some point you put your email into my bandcamp (which i then yoinked to add to this mailing list). anyway, i thought it would be a good idea to send out an introductory message, just to give you an idea of how i’ll run this, and because it might be a few weeks until the first proper newsleter.
so: i’m gonna use this space to talk about my own music project ‘avoset’, as well as my own photography - i’ll probably share a few photos with every newsletter, as i’m honestly not really sure where to post those now that cohost is closing. i’ll also share updates relating to ‘internet record shop’, my sideproject, where i make showcases of digital fusion music.
in terms of the newsletter, i’ll probably give updates every few weeks or so - i don’t wanna do it weekly, but i do want to share any important updates i have from time to time, and maybe share some work-in-progress stuff! i’m also going to work on stuff like making a custom image header thing for this newsletter, learning how to actually use buttondown properly, and so on. i do think i’ll miss the interactivity of other social media sites though - maybe i’ll do a thing where if anyone has any interesting replies, i share them in the next newsletter (if they’re okay with that)? i think that could be cool. also i would like to note that as much as i want this to seem professional, i will not be using capital letters. apologies. i’m still an anticapitalist.
while i’m not considering this a proper newsletter, here’s a sneak peek of my next personal music project. even though i’m a beginner at pixel art i’d like to explore it much more, so my next ep will be themed around flowers, and i’ll be doing lots of drawings of them for song covers, general promo stuff and so on. the songs will be themed around what each flower supposedly symbolises, and i’m leaning towards a digital fusion style at the moment, but i haven’t actually started writing any of the music yet! this won’t be releasing anytime soon though - i just started my uni semester so i will be pretty busy irl over the next few months

and here’s a magpie, for good measure. i started using rawtherapee for processing my photos recently, but i think i’m going to drop it and learn darktable instead - the masking features seem really useful

if you read through all of that, thanks!! you can expect the first real newsletter to release in a few weeks, hopefully. if you have any thoughts, comments, or anything really, feel free to send me a message at avosetcontact(at)! thank u for reading :3
- avoset