Welcome to Austin JavaScript!
Welcome to the first AustinJS newsletter!
We promise to only send relevant information about our monthly meetups and any other events we might organize, including how to sign up to give a main talk, lightning talk, or otherwise get involved. That means you’ll usually receive one, or maybe occasionally two emails a month.
You may be receiving this because you’ve provided your email at a past event, and indicated we can contact you this way. If you’d prefer to unsubscribe, use the link at the bottom (but we hope you’ll stick around!).
What is Austin JavaScript?
We are a community-driven group that meets to discuss JavaScript and the open web. Find out more about us, including information about past meetups, at our website:
Austin JavaScript
Austin JavaScript is a community-driven group that meets to discuss JavaScript and the open web.
How can I get involved?
Present at one of our monthly meetups! Drop some knowledge on your peeps or brush up on your speaking skills. Presentations typically run 30-50 minutes, with a Q&A session at the end. Contact us if you’re interested in being a main speaker.
Not ready for prime time? Sign up to give a lightning talk! You’ll have up to 7 minutes to give a quick talk or demo on anything you’re passionate about, ahead of our main talk for the evening. We usually have 1-3 lightning talks at each meetup, and they’re a great way to get some practice speaking in front of a crowd.
Show your support with a t-shirt! We have Austin JavaScript t-shirts available for a $25 donation. Respond to this email with your preferred size and color, and we’ll bring one for you to our next meetup!
Connect with the community by joining our Discord server. Chat with other attendees, share your project, or ask the organizers a question here!
That’s all for now. We’ll see you at our next meetup!
— AustinJS organizers