Last episode of the season now out: Our live episode

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This episode features our special live podcast recording event we held February 2023 in New York City. Four of the artists from this season engage in a roundtable discussion on their art practice, teaching, pedagogy and more.
Our guests for the program were Chelsea Thompto, KT Duffy, Sue Huang and Rashin Fahandej. A fifth artist, SHAWNÉ MICHAELAIN HOLLOWAY wasn’t available for the live recording but she is individually interviewed in episode 16, and each of the other artists were also individually interviewed so be sure to check those episodes out as well.
Listen online now (or read the transcript!)

This season we’ve partnered with the New Media Caucus, an international non-profit formed to promote the development and understanding of new media art. Thank you!
Coming later this fall:
This was the last episode of the current season, but we're hard at work on the next. We're working on episodes on copyright and machine learning, the public domain, fair use, creative commons, local contexts, ethical open source, and more. These episodes are with the support of the NYU Engelberg Center for Innovation Law and Policy. We also have upcoming episodes with the creators of art-making tools for our "Art Tools" mini episodes.

Support from the National Endowment for the Arts
This season of the podcast is produced with the New Media Caucus for New Rules: Conversations with New Media Artists.
This project is supported in part by the National Endowment for the Arts. To find out more about how National Endowment for the Arts grants impact individuals and communities, visit

And a request
Thanks to you we've built a community of listeners and are committed to another season of the show, currently in production. But can you help us spread the word? We'd particularly love reviews on podcasting platforms and your help forwarding a favorite episode to a friend. Thank you.
We'd love to hear from you. Contact us with episode suggestions, tips for your favorite art tools, and any other feedback. Thanks!