I hope you all had a good Easter. I did some camping for the first time - which didn't went so well haha - and biked around the city.
The React team has created a video series featuring technical deep dives on React. At the time of writing, there's one for React Server Components - and I liked it.
How To Print in React Using Iframes
How to best print a specific part of the page or a different page. Cool trick, I must say!
Do you also miss this feature from Windows? Now we can perform the same with this app.
Jason, who I admire a lot, wrote on how honest feedback is needed in our lives - in and outside of the job. It's hard to give honest feedback initially to we should try as it gets easier with time and helps much more in the long-term relationship.
The #1 tip to familiarize with new JavaScript Codebases
Trying to make sense out of a new codebase... We've all been there!
Meme "I know that feel bro", in which two people are hugging.
WebAssembly is quite interesting and it's present in apps like Figma, Squoosh and MongoDB Compass but there's a learning curve for it. This video gives an introduction to AssemblyScript, which aims to lower this barrier.
O pessoal da codar.me está realizando um evento gratuito esta semana, ensinando a construir uma aplicação fullstack do zero sem custo no deploy. É uma ótima oportunidade para aprender mais e talvez criar mais um item pro seu portfólio.
No projeto estão usando React, Next.js, Firebase.
O pessoal da CODE.Education também está realizando um evento gratuito esta semana. Contém conteúdo um pouco mais avançado, mas é mais uma oportunidade de aprendizado.
Nos projetos estão usando React, NestJS, Kafka, WebSockets e bastante Docker.