super-expressive is a library to create regular expressions (RegExp) in almost natural language. It’s pretty simple, well-documented and useful, but it’s a runtime library.
Applying some recent knowledge about Babel plugins, I’ve created super-expressive.macro, that uses super-expressive under the hood to create the RegEx at build-time.
Have a look at it and smash that star button 🤣 if you like it.
And if you want some resources about Babel plugins, check the Newsletter #1.
An alternative to Electron. It compiles to a smaller executable, it enables communication with the OS, e.g filesystem, commands, but doesn’t ship Node with it.
It has templates for React, Svelte, Kotlin and others.
Another alternative to Electron but combining JavaScript with Rust. It’s still in alpha, but it looks promising!
A flex-based layout component library to enable resizable layouts in an application.
If you need to declare custom rules to your project, this plugin is very useful as you can declare them locally and just use them - instead of publishing a new package with the rules.
I’ve recently discovered this channel and I’ve watching some of its videos. I found this one very interesting because of the amount of weird things I didn’t know about time and timezones around the world and throughout the time.
A funny (and also sad) story about (mis)usage of serverless. As everything in life, serverless can get out of control. This story can teach us some lessons for when dealing with it.
Make sure to check the author’s Serverless Handbook too!
Some pieces of advice and tips for booking and running meetings. We have too many of them sometimes, and time is precious, so try and make good use of it!
I write a lot. For this newsletter, for blog posts, for documentation at work or just chatting with others and Grammarly has been very helpful in all of these cases, suggesting improvements to my spelling or tone. I highly recommend it - its free tier is pretty good!
Um resumo colaborativo semanal de novidades no mundo do JavaScript e tecnologia em geral. Eles têm uma newsletter e um canal no YouTube e toda quinta-feira tem conteúdo novo.
O pessoal da Rocketseat está realizando um evento gratuito esta semana para iniciantes em programação. Se conhecem alguém que quer entrar na área, super recomendo esse evento e todo o conteúdo da Rocketseat!