Hi there! I’m back with a bunch of links for you today, I hope you like them!
Build an extendable in-browser devtools
I finally published a new blog post! This time, based on a project I built at work and it’s been very helpful for its users! Check it out and leave a reaction or a comment! 😊
I finally contributed to open-source again! This time, me and Jonny, the creator of Remotion, turned a proof-of-concept repo I had for months into an official library. 🌟
little-planet - Interactive panorama viewer
I loved this project, it deserves more stars on GitHub! It’s a Web Component that renders an interactive view of a panoramic photo. I built a small demo on CodeSandbox to play with it.
skip-the-scroll - Quickly navigate GitHub issues
A Chrome extension that sorts GitHub issue comments and allows us to iterate through them based on their social reactions.
svg-path-morph - SVG paths interpolation
A simple library for morphing between variations of SVG paths. Use it to smoothly morph between X variations of the same SVG path (i.e. same commands, different values).
devices.css - Pure CSS phones and tables
I don’t know how I never heard about this before but it’s amazing!
JSONata - Query and transformation language
Create complex and powerful expressions and evaluate them against a JSON.
PocketBase - Open Source realtime backend in 1 file
Built with Go, it has an embedded SQLite database with realtime subscriptions, files and users management, admin dashboard and an API. There are JavaScript and Dart clients.
d3-interpolate - Interpolate whatever
This module provides a variety of interpolation methods for blending between two values. Values may be numbers, colors, strings, arrays, or even deeply-nested objects.
docusaurus-search-local - Offline/local search for Docusaurus v2
If you have a site built with Docusaurus and don’t want or can’t use a hosted search solution, this plugin is a great alternative. It’ll create the search index during the build.
A place where you can find the most creative and interesting examples of UI design. Sources can come from anywhere ie. films, games, concept design and real-world developments.
How to de-Google your site to make it faster and visitor-friendly
A lot of tips and alternative services. A post from a co-founder of Plausible Analytics, which just reached 1M ARR!
The Surprising Truth About Pixels and Accessibility
Another great post by Josh. It’s full of examples of when to choose px or em/rem.
How to replace useState with useRef and be a winner
The title is a bit catchy but the content is very good. I recognized patterns I use every day and learned a couple of tricks too, like using requestAnimationFrame
when setting state.
Sitespeed.io is a set of Open Source tools that makes it easy to monitor and measure the performance of your web site. It has a Docker image too.
O framework Remix lançou Stacks e a comunidade criou uma pro tecno brega, um gênero musical popular surgida em Belém no estado do Pará nos anos 2000.
Biblioteca para geração/integração de NF-e/NFC-e em aplicações Node.js. Se você já utiliza a biblioteca e/ou tem interesse em open-source, eles procuram mantenedores. ****